Saturday Paintings

October 20, 2012

You go to the store and buy a large sheet of wood. You load it into the truck then take it to a secret location. Did anyone see us? Cut it up using electrical power tools. Reciprocation and saw dust and then you sand it all down. If you are lucky you have a beautiful assistant. Water in a glass.

Night falls and when the sun rises you prime the cut-outs and spread them out to dry. Drink some coffee and think about what you need to do. Comb your beard. Start from the top and work your way down. Walk the dog. Then you start bringing them to life.

Faces and eyes and mouths and bits of color. A life-size wooden cutout for children to look through and be a super hero. Bears and talking animals and a guy with wheatgrass for hair. A happy snake with a tasseled party hat. These look to the right and those to the left. This one is too sad. Make them smile. Yes sir! Then you have a snack.

Don’t over think your work at hand. Don’t censor yourself. Don’t become to cynical. Think about good things and be glad. Somethings are out of your control.

Wash your brushes. Take a photo or three. I see a bird fly by. Old ideas revisited.  This has been my day so far. Saturday afternoon in Atlanta in the middle of October.

– kyle


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