Kyle Brooks Art Camp – Turning Sun School

July 27, 2013

(Saturday morning – I woke up after a 12 hour nap. I tried to build an orchid box and inadvertently nailed a small nail into my fingertip. I flipped out about other things. Slammed my hand into the door jam. Ate a strange selection of tropical fruits—horned melon, dragon fruit and the like. Then I realized I was being pretty stupid and sat down to relax and write.)

I spent this week being Kyle Brooks at the Turning Sun School’s Kyle Brooks Art Camp. We met everyday for several hours. The kids would cycle through in 30 minute groups. I sang to them and told them corny jokes. One day we made stickers with Sharpie markers. I told them how I made stickers and put them places.

We painted folky stripes on wood scraps. We made little signs with weird phrases and fun pictures on them. I told them about how I make signs that mean things or don’t mean things and put them along the streets I travel.

We had a silkscreen t-shirt making class. I hand-cut a Blackcattips Bear stencil and showed them how it would all work (The ink comes through the empty holes and gets on the t-shirt.) Later, the kids colored their shirts with fabric paint. I found a piano and tried to remember the songs I used to know. I reminisced in a half-empty room.

Alicia told me I would learn something everyday. I know I did. I hope the children will remember it as a good experience. They liked my big yellow cap with a red star on the front. One little girl sang “twinkle twinkle little star” to me. I drank some coffee Stephanie brewed up. I played songs about biscuits and goats and dogs on my guitar and harmonica. I laughed and was very tired.

When I left for the last time a group of kids was on the playground. They yelled, “Goodbye Mr. Kyle” and I honked my horn a lot. I made a big loop around the parking lot and rolled down the hill honking all the way. It was a touching moment to me. (I almost cried and if I did I would have crashed my truck into the woods and ended up in the Mosquito Creek so I am glad I held my own.) Then I ate a fancy salad and watched parking lot birds.

Thanks Turning Sun School and all the parents who let me paint and draw and sing with their children. I will remember it as long as I can.


See a few more photos here.

(Thanks to Stephanie Kong, my Mom and a couple other folks for the good photos.)

– kyle




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