Painting Words in a Warehouse

August 2, 2013

I spent a day this week painting in a warehouse. It was part for a project I am doing for Plywood People and their August conference “Plywood Presents.” They had asked me to paint all the words and names for the event to be used in a video. It will be edited and then shown during the conference August 14 and 15 in Atlanta. I am pretty excited about that.

Brent Clouse filmed me as I painted. That made for an interesting experience being watched and recorded all day– working closely with someone and thinking about each move I made while “creating.” Everything I did with the brush was being documented. I look forward to seeing how the day of painting words and names will be used in the event. (Update: Here is the finished film from Brent Clouse.)

Thanks to the folks at Plywood People for asking me to help them make their event something to be remembered.


The day before I went and built the frame to paint on. Me and a fella named Carter had a little fun priming it white. Watch this. and this!

– kyle



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