House Painting – (Here Comes The Sun)

September 6, 2013

Today I did something I have been planning on for several months. I painted my friend’s house– not the whole house but just part of it. I painted flowers and a happy sunshine. I also painted ’round back on their makeshift basketball goal. On the front of the house, I left the plants that were actually growing there. I left the vines too. I painted my blooms in between and all around nature’s own art. I am a part of nature and you are too.

I think the red-nosed sun is smiling down and bringing happiness to the people who ride by. Here comes a neighbor. There is some sun. Take a little with you. Be glad. It is easy if you give yourself a little time to breathe.

I hope my friend who I painted for has a better time ahead of him. “Smile a while” my friend. Thanks very much for letting me paint for you and your kids and chickens. It made me glad on a hot September afternoon.


– kyle





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