All Things Must Come Down (boom)

December 15, 2013

Today we dismantled our art installation for the Atlanta Beltline 2013. Molly Rose Freeman and I created and painted it in August. If I remember correctly, the temperature was very different then. Many bugs and thunderstorms were all around. swarming hungry insects and piled-high clouds on the horizon. Today was very cold and wet. I did not see one grasshopper or country-cricket. I wonder where they jumped to. What a shame.

My friend Peter @trustzabo helped me do the tough work today. We had a good time while we were cold and tired. It is good to work with your hands out in nature.

All things must come to an end, or come down. Sometime they are reborn with new life. That is the plan for our installation “A Resting Place.” Hopefully it will live a new life at Turning Sun School at East Lake in Atlanta.

I have a lot of ideas in my mind. If I can act only a third of them I will be happy and productive. Thanks for reading about my art endeavours. Things keep looking up. I am learning to love in my heart. Bye.


– kyle



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