You Are Something

April 18, 2011

I do not know where last week went. It went by so fast. I will never see it again. It is spring now and life seems to be hurdling forward. I have been doing a lot of contemplating this week on who I am and what I am supposed to be. Despite what you think you are supposed to be or become you are something right now. You are something this moment.

I am happy and thankful for where I am right now. I could be in a bad situation or have poor health. Last I checked I was healthy and I get to sleep in a soft warm bed at night. I can run a few miles without being tired and I eat a lot of cabbage and rice. I have plenty of food and clean water. I am glad I have a nice roof over me. I am happy to have a handful of good friends and have parents who enjoy my company. I find peace in my art and in the fact that the Lord loves me. I will be thankful and work on my goals.

Speaking of goals, I sold a painting this week and I painted a new one.  I sold this painting of the Blue Snout Beaks (below). I finished Mean Ol’ Tom Cat (pictured above).







Take a deep breathe and smile.


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