Early Signs (pollen on the ground)

April 4, 2014

I got up early today. Maria had some last minute edits for the book we have been working on. I got up and started painting signs– coffee drinking and toast making and sunrise watching. The turn of spring is well under way with leaves a burstin’ and pollen on all surfaces. In case you don’t know, pollen in Atlanta is a major happening every year. It looks like a yellow sulfur volcano spewed ash all over the land (minus the rotten egg smell.)

I have not been sleeping too well. I grit my teeth at night. I had a dream that my front teeth folded half way down like a bent fingernail. Still makes me sick to recall it. So I wake up with headaches and regret and stress from yesterday. I like to sing. All my healthy eating is negated by the bad thoughts in my brain. I know it is true but I can’t stop it– water flowing through a net. Should I just eat twinkies and little orange peanut butter crackers and pepsi cola and be calm? No.

So, as I said, I have been making a new round of signs. I want to do some talking. I want to be heard (the best way is with paint.) I paint slats and collected signs and scrap wood I get for free at Lowes. I made a sign for a couple friends at a local restaraunt and hung it up yesterday. They are nice to me.

I got a little spooked on my new ladder. There was too much shaking going on. Maria told me I just forgot what it was like. She is usually right. Either way, it was swinging and swaying. People were looking over my shoulder. Well talk ain’t cheap and I suppose you must pay a price to be heard. A shakey-shake ladder and 12 dollars of paint supplies and slats was mine.

Be fresh and breathe deep.






– kyle




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