They Dumped Him In The Sea?

May 2, 2011

I woke up today to hear the words “they dumped him in the sea.” For some reason this whole thing makes me uncomfortable. I do not feel like I can believe the talking heads on the radio or television. I feel like we are part of a big spectacle; a world of fakery and propaganda. I want to be proud of my country but I don’t know who I can trust. I would say I am just paranoid but I have heard from multiple folks today today the same sentiments. People aren’t sure what is going on. Did everyone used to believe the news and the government? I thought I did.

I want to make people think about some of the crazy ideas the media is throwing at us. I want people to just stop and think about it. Is this true? Could it be true? I don’t know. You can’t have 3 different stories and all be completely true.

I decided I needed to make a couple signs. I used some more scrap wood. I put them at intersections around town.  I got a little nervous walking in traffic to put them up. Some folks waved and honked. Maybe it was my beard. I hope the signs will make others think about what is or what isn’t going on. We may not have an answer but we can at least be aware.

They claim they dumped Bin Laden in the Persian Gulf over 1000 miles from where he was killed in Nothern Pakistan. This was less than 12 hours after they shot him in the dark of night. I know they could do this but it does seem a bit odd. Next they will tell us that his corpse has washed ashore where it stood up and gathered a group of zombie islamic terrorists. I think I would find this to be more believable.

I really do want to be proud of my country. I want to believe things are headed in a good and sound and honest direction. I will believe everything they say from now on. No more questions. This will make it easier to exist. Just do what the Black-Ops Special Forces tell me to. If only in my own head, I just need some peace.



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