Wood From Ossabaw (Black Stretch Cat)

February 27, 2015

I went last fall to Ossabaw Island with the Georgia Conservancy. A big sheet of old weathered plywood was found on the island and made its way to me. I painted a sign on it for the Conservancy to hang in their Trips Program office.

I ended up painting both sides of it. One side has a long black cat with a magic tail full of apple pie. The other has a backpacker man and a rhyme about Georgia.

Today we delivered the paintingĀ and all of its salty splinters to the Georgia Conservancy’s office. In turn we got a giant box of tortilla chips and a half gallon of salsa and guacamole. At least you can’t say IĀ am a starving artist. Crunch crunch crunch.


stretch-black-cat working-for-chips


– kyle

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