A Freddie Mash-Up (fried chimp platter)

April 30, 2015

Hi. Hello. How are you?

I have been lucky enough to work with MailChimp recently. One of the little projects was an illustration used here on this sticker.


It is a little mash-up mix-up meltdown of Freddie from MailChimp and The BEAR character I like to paint. He is wearing his little MailChimp crown and dreaming of eating a tasty apple pie from the Varsity. (like in the old days on Saturday afternoons with car rides down Ponce de Leon with my family and I look to the right and see the Yaarab Shriner’s Temple.)

Nothing is better than a melt-down turn-a-round grilled cheese slap-down slice-in-half inside-out twist-a-bout version of your main man best friend.  Thank you MailChimp and Jtrav. :)

It is good to dream backwards and forwards.

*** If I could make music play while you read I would make you listen to Feeling Yourself Disintegrate… by The Flaming Lips.

– kyle

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