Birthday Cake Screening (meeting me)

March 29, 2016

Last night I went to the debut screening  for the short film Birthday Cake.  I got to meet Mark Ashworth who played “me”. Really he played a character based on my general looks and the art I make — a bearded folky artist who speaks through his paintings. None the less, it was a an honor to meet him and an honor to be part of the story line of the film. Mr. Ashworth is a steady working actor in television and movies and a real nice fella too.

Late last summer I made a lot of folk art for the film — folk crosses and signs and some painted odds and ends. It was exciting to see the finished version of the film as I had only read the script and met with the Director and Co. Birthday Cake is a very well made short film— a southern thunderstorm and dark emotional ride.

Learn more about Birthday Cake film here.

P.S. I think Mark and I might be ol’ red bearded cousins.

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— kyle

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