What Is Wrong?

February 4, 2012

What is wrong with me? I argue with the ones that love me. I fight the ones that are near. I worry all of the time. I write little silly love songs. I paint happy and colorful creatures. I eat a lot of rice and beans. I know how to play music but I know no theory. I am full of stress and anxiety. I have too much on my plate yet I go hungry. I eat too much but I am loosing weight. I am half way old and I see those around me getting older. I want to use the talents left to me but at what cost? Is it worth it if I loose it all? I open my mouth and the wrong words come out. I try to cut my heart out to see what is left. I get tired of being misunderstood yet the last thing I want to do is be like everyone else. I am a tall thin walking stick of troubles. What am I going to do? Heck fire and a bunch of junk.


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