Things I Have Done (since Monday)

September 25, 2014

  1. Had weird dreams and woke up stressed.
  2. Worried about things. For example: Willl the belts inside the washing machine snap during the spin cycle.
  3. Drove to Snellville, GA.
  4. Got really excited when a new glue mixture worked out.
  5. Washed most everything I owned to get rid of mystery bugs that came back from Ossabaw Island with me.
  6. Was gifted a walking stick.
  7. Climbed up a telephone pole.
  8. Worried about a homeless man who seemed to have some OCD issues. He lives at a closed gas station where I put some art up. He seems to havea lot of papers to organize.
  9. Looked for really big airplanes to fly overhead. Instead I saw a weird airplane shadow projected on the clouds.
  10. I am painting a Kitchen-Aid mixer.
  11. Preparing for the East Atlanta Strut.
  12. Drew a blue bear in a parking lot and bought a burrito from some really strange people.
  13. Got jealous and cussed.
  14. Itched my legs and arms and cussed.
  15. Drew a cool card for Maria.
  16. Cussed.
  17. Realized I can’t see very well at night.
  18. Bought a new grow light for my orchids.
  19. I was gifted a cool hand made knife from a guy in St. Paul named Workerman.
  20. Realized it is cool to paint blue and pink over black.
  21. Listened to Tripper by FruitBats, Lost In The Dream by The War on Drugs, and some old Nirvana and Pearl Jam.
  22. Started painting a large canvas with a lot of neon paint. (you will never catch me until I die/ and then it won’t matter anymore)
  23. Ate a bowl of vegetarian sancocho cooked with love by Yvonne.
  24. Wondered if you and I will be alright in the end. Dear GOD up in the sky will we?

snake-arm-of-truth-blackcattips-street-art drive-thru-bear-blackcattips-2 donkey-food-street-poem-a-blackcattips smile-a-while-friends-blackcattips

– kyle

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