BirthDay Cake (a short film)

September 30, 2015

I was recently asked by a group of filmmakers to be part of their production. They wanted to use some of my art in their film. At first I hesitated as I had been burned before in the process. I quickly found out this time was different. I met Brantly Jackson Watts.

This short film, Birthday Cake, is her project. Brantly wrote it and told me she had loosely based one of the characters on myself. This got my attention. I made a bunch of art for the filming and they shot a couple days of footage last weekend.

Birthday Cake is supposed to debut in January 2016. I will be looking forward to see the guy that “is kinda like me.” Mark Ashworth is my new twin and from all reports I am sure he did a fine job.

Stay tuned for more news on Birthday Cake.


– kyle

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