The Pointy People Mural (forward warrior 2016)

June 13, 2016

Don’t climb a ladder if you have had a whisky. Don’t drink Columbian coffee in the evening if you want to sleep.

A friend recently told me sometimes the art looks better 2/3 finished. I am trying to improve by learning to paint worse.

We can not touch neither dreams or our soul or the internet.

Friends can help you unthink your way out of trouble.

This weekend we painted a mural for Forward Warrior 2016. I named my mural ‘The Pointy People’. Big thanks to my friends Angie, David and Carlos. They assisted WhiteCatTips and I battle the heat and paint in style. We had a picnic and drank hot chocolate and they helped us so much.

I love to paint.

pointy people - blackcattips - mural painting in process pointy people - blackcattips - mural painting in process atlanta pointy people mural - talking with toby pointy people mural - blackcattips - 4 pointy people mural - blackcattips - 5 pointy people mural - blackcattips - 6 pointy people mural - blackcattips - columbian coffee in cabbagetown atlanta pointy people mural - blackcattips - columbian coffee break pointy people mural - blackcattips - art painting street folk pointy people mural - blackcattips - forward warrior painting team pointy people mural - blackcattips - street folk art smiles pointy people mural - blackcattips - eyes in the sky pointy people mural - blackcattips - 26 pointy people mural - blackcattips - 28 pointy people mural - blackcattips - forward warrior kyle brooks



Before we painted The Pointy People we covered up my mural from last year. Watch us
un-erase it here.

see you soon,
Kyle BlackCatTips Brooks

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