If I Had Listened (I wouldn’t be me)

February 2, 2017

If I had listened to what they told me, or all of those friendly suggestions people send my way, I wouldn’t have:

Grown my beard or Put up signs by the road or Climbed telephone poles or Come up with unique ideas or Started the trends or Let my half-bald head grow long hair or Worked myself silly or Come close to a nervous break down or Yell at those who love me. I wouldn’t go on binges or wild tares. I wouldn’t have met all the people I now know — all the friends I have made and places I have been.

If I had listened to those around me I wouldn’t have painted BEARS over my old paintings or come up with silly poems. I wouldn’t have had a chance to tell my story in front of a crowd. I wouldn’t have moved to Arabia Mountain U.S.A. I wouldn’t have quit my desk job with a regular paycheck. I wouldn’t have started to learn about who I am and how I work. I would not be the ME I am today.

You see if I did what they thought I should do I wouldn’t be me. I would be them. I wouldn’t have started my own hard-living path through life. I wouldn’t touch on eternal hippy-happiness in the afternoon sun. I wouldn’t struggle and cry and almost loose everything I have. I wouldn’t have the highs and the lows-lows. I wouldn’t know the beauty and I wouldn’t be me.

So I better keep doing my own thing and learning from my failures and keep being true to my real self — Deep down inside behind the fears and the shadows and the hollow bird bones and the cloudy endless days.

I am not going to do things because THEY do it. I am going to do what I think I should do and put my efforts toward things that are important — sunshine, happiness, love of those around you. I will be thankful and keep working on my simple calling in this life.

It sure isn’t easy but it is worth it and something I am going to keep working on.

Oh yea, I still love you but I’m not gonna listen to you anymore.



see you soon,
Kyle BlackCatTips Brooks

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