The BeltLine Bears: Day 1

July 21, 2011

I officially started my mural project today. The official name is The BeltLine Bears. The official name of the art event is Art on the Atlanta BeltLine 2011. You have to say all of the words correctly to be official. I am trying.

I started on a day when the high temperature was about 95. I was very warm and quite sweaty but I was excited to have begun. I cut the weeds and grass down and moved some debris. I found some old bottles, a few sticks and trash and a pair of boxer shorts. Odd… Aside from the lost pants, the wall and grounds are looking much better already. Then I painted over the spray paint scrawls with some white primer.

I sat on a stump and stared at the wall a while. I came up with an idea. I feel better about the whole project now. I know what I am going to do and how I will begin the painting process. I can see it all in my mind. I hope to update my blog each day I paint. I would like to thanks those who helped me find some equipment to use. Thanks to my friend Heath for letting me use his power tools.

Check out the last photo below to see how the wall looks as I start my project.

– kyle

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